How to Energize Rudraksha Beads or Malas ?

Energize rudraksha rudraksha beads rudraksha malas

Rudraksha are naturally grown and handpicked; are believed to be the connection between lord shiva, nature and humans. Scientifically, rudraksha is said to be a engery-dwelling natural thing as it holds electromagentic energy and vibrations in it. these vibrations can imbibe with a human's emotions and actions.

As the rurdakskha has that much energy, one have to pacify it and make it vibe with the wearer. So to make a rudraksha syncronized, it has to be energized.
It is important to note that each kind of Rudraksha to be energized will have a specific type of energy within it.
The vital action to be performed before wearing a rudraksha is "energizing rudraksha". Energizing ruraksha is a stepwise process, to be followed with concentation. And most of the people doesnt know about performing rudraksha energizing. The process is explained throughly. Follow the process and energize your rudraksha.

Steps to Energize Rudraksha Beads or Malas

Here you can see the step-by-step process of “Prana Prathista” and energizing the Rudraksha bead/mala.
--> Firstly, we have to choose an auspicious time from the Almanac/Calendar.
--> The Invocations and Instructions given could be performed by a Guru or a Priest or by ourselves.
--> After taking a bath, be dedicated to devotional time with physical and mental purity, without entertaining articles for the ceremony.

1. Panchagavya is a unique combination of cows - milk, ghee, curd, dung, and urine.
In case of unavailability, we can replace it with Panchamrit, which can be made of fresh milk, honey, sugar, ghee, and curd.
2. Take the Gangajal water of the required quantity or mix ordinary water with Gangajal in an Achamani pot with Darba (kusha grass) to sprinkle with copper or brass uddharini (spoon).
3. Find fresh leaves of Peepal, collect fresh and unbroken nine leaves on a plate, and properly arrange them.
4. Now arrange a broad plate/tray to keep Pooja’s offerings.
5. Incense sticks or dhoop or resin of Sambrani, Guggul, and burning charcoal.
6. For Aarti, take camphor and a lamp with cotton and oil, Sandalwood paste, and aromatic oil.
7. Take a bowl of unbroken rice grains and mix them with Ashtagandha.
8. Arrange a lamp with ghee in the rice bowl and a single wick of cotton.
9. For consecration, we need to arrange these offerings:-
A piece of cloth,
Betel nuts (supari can be found for pooja purposes) and
Betel leaves (paan) and a washed coconut.
10. Sit facing east in a comfortable Asan of your choice.
11. Wash the Rudraksha bead/mala with Panchagavya or Panchamrit.
12. Now, wash the Rudraksha with Gangajal water.
13. Place the washed Rudraksha on a plate which contains 9 Peepal leaves
14. Now, take a fresh empty tray/plate and place it nearby for the offering.
15. Now, we need to chant mantras; the following mantra is to be chanted thrice “Om Namah Shivaya.”
16. While chanting mantras, Sprinkle the holy water - on the grass all around, over yourself, and on all pooja items:-
(a) Om Apavitrah Pavitra Va Sarva Vasthan Gatopi Va.
(b) Yah Smaret Pundaree Kaaksham Sa Baahyaa Bhyantarah Suchihi.
17. Now chant the following mantras to invoke all deities.
(a) Om Gurubhyo Namaha!
(b) Om Ganeshaaya Namaha!
(c) Om Kula Devataabhyo Namaha!
(d) Om Ishta Devataabhyo Namaha!
(e) Om Maatha Pithrubhyaam Namaha!
18. Now, take some water into our right hand with the Uddarini (spoon) of Achamani and sip once after chanting the following three chants.
(a) "Om Keshavaaya Namaha."
(b) "Om Naraayanaaya Namaha."
(c) "Om Maadhavaaya Namaha."
19. Now, take some water into your right hand and pour it on the ground nearby while chanting:
“Om Govindaaya Namaha.”
20. Now, we have to perform three short repetitions of Pranayama breathing.
"Om Pranavasya Parabrahma Rishihi Paramatma Devata Daivi Gayatri Chandaha Pranayamae Viniyogaha."
21. Now sprinkle some water on the Rudraksha bead/mala with darba (kusha) grass from the Achamani.
(a) Om Sadyojaatam Prapadyaami Sadyojataajava Namo Namaha
(b) Bhave Bhavenaati Bhave Bhavasvamaam Bhavodbhavay Namaha
22. Now, take a flower, dip it in the Sandalwood paste and the aromatic oil, then touch on the beads/mala.
(a) Om Vaamadevaya Namaha
(b) Jyeshthaaya Namaha (temple prayer)
(c) Shreshthaaya Namaha
(d) Rudraaya Namaha
(e) Kaalaya Namaha
(f) Kala Vikaranaaya Namaha
(g) Bala Vikaranaay Namah
(h) Balaaya Namah Bala Pramathanaaya Namaha
(i) Sarva Bhootha Damanaaya Namah
(j) Manomanaaya Namah.
23. Now, offer the incense or dhoop to the rudraksha beads.
(a) “Om Aghorebhyo Ghorebhyo Ghora Ghora Tarebhayaha Sarvebhya Sarva Sarvvebhyo Namaste Astu Rudra Roopebhyaha.”
24. Now, take a flower, dip it in the Sandalwood paste, and touch on the beads.
(a) “Om Tatpurushaaya Vidmahe Mahadevaaya Dheemahi Tanno Rudraha Prachodayaat”
25. Now chant the Eeeshana Mantra.
(a) Om Eeshaanah Sarvavidyaanam Eeshwar Sarvabhootaanaam
(b) Brahmaadipati Brahmanaadhipati Brahma Shivome Astu Sadaa Shivom
26. Now chant the Prana Prathista mantra (the consecration and enlivening, i.e., life-giving mantra).
27. Keep on offering some rice on the plate before the Rudraksha while chanting these:
(a) Om aam hreem krom yum rum lum vum shum shum sum haum hum sah asya malaya prana eha prana.
(b) Om aam hreem Krom yum rum lum vum Shum Shum sum haum hum sah Asya Malaya Jeeva eha sthitha.
(c) Om aam hreem krom yum rum lum vum shum shum sum haum hum sah asya malaya sarveindrayani vagmansyachakshu shodragranapadani ihevagatya sukham chiram thithantu swaha.
28. As we chant the following mantras, we give the offerings of rice on the plate we placed before the rudraksha bead/mala:
(a) (Offering to the lotus feet of Shiva Maha Devaya, I bow).
(b) (Invocation) Avahanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(c) (Seat) Asanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(d) (Cloth) Vastram Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(e) (Sandalwood or scent) Chandanam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(f) (Rice) Akshatan Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(g) (Flower) Pushpam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(h) (Dhoop) Dhupam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(i) (Ghee lamp) Deepam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(j) (Water drink) Achamaniyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(k) (Fruit) Naivedyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(l) (Water Drink) Achamaniyam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(m) (Betel nut - Paan) Tambulam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
(n) (Coconut) Shri Phalam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha.
29. Now burn camphor and show as offering in a clockwise circular motion thrice to the plate and chant the following mantras.
(a) Karpura Shivam Karuna Vataram Samsara Saram Bhujagendraharam.
(b) Sada Vasantam Hridaya Ravinde Bhavam Bhavani Sahitam Namami.
30. Now chant the Gayatri mantra thrice.
(a) Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Tat Savitur Varenyum Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayat.
31. Chant the following Surya mantra thrice now,
(a) Om Bhu Om Bhuvaha Om Swaha Om Maha Om Janaha Om Tapaha Om Satyam.
32. Repeat this and touch the right eye, the left eye, and our forehead after each mantra.
(a) Om Apo Jyothi Raso Amtritam Brahma Bhu Bhuvaha Swarom.
33. Now chant the Mhamrithyunjaya mantra five times and offer rice on the plate we placed before Rudraksha beads/mala after each repetition.
(a) Om Haum Joom Sah
(b) Om Bhur Bhuvaha Swaha
(c) Om Triambakam Yajamahey
(d) Sungandhim Pushti Vardanam
(e) Urvar Ukamiva Bandhanan
(f) Mrityor Muksheeya Mamritat
(g) Om Swaha Bhuvaha Bhu Om Sah Joom Haum Om
34. Now chant the Beeja mantra nine times each.
(a) Om Namah Shivaya.
(b) Om Hreem Namah.
(c) Om Namah.
(d) Om Kleem Namah.
(e) Om Hreem Namah.
(f) Om Hreem Hum Namah.
(g) Om Hum Namah.
(h) Om Krom Srom Rom Namah.
35. Now bow in supplication to the deity, i.e., the Rudraksha, and chant the concluding prayer and Shanthi mantra:
“Om Purnamada purnamidam purnath purnamudyachite Purnasya purnamadaya purna mevaya shishyate Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.”

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