What is Panchang:
PANCHANG in Hindu Vedic Astrology or Indian Jyotish Astrology is a kind of Hindu calendar. In fact Panchang represents Five limbs which indicates five parts of Hindu Panchang. It is an Astrological journal that gives beneficial astrological data important for an Astrologer. It is referred to for finding and choosing a suitable and fortunate time for important events, rituals or activities like wedding, learning, journey, starting new avenues or scheme, examination, interview etc.
The Hindu Panchang Calendar is a complex calendar for scheduling, not dissimilar then a western Farmer’s Almanac. It gives vital information related to horoscopes, stars and planets. Aspects of our mindsets and atmosphere which are unobservable but can be sensed. With this ulterior knowledge before us, we come to recognize the features of the stars and the planets and how they connect to the human psyche.
Astrological Vedic Calendar is not a regular almanac or calendar. It is far more intricate than the general Gregorian calendar generally used in the West and far more beneficial. It is discovered after the conventional Panchangas used all the way through Sri Lanka and nearby countries, which employ the Nirayana (sidereal) horoscopic system.
Panchanga is a Sanskrit word which means five limbs, as mentioned earlier, stressing the fact that every Panchanga comprises the five basic components which are given below:
Tithi: it means lunar day.
Nakshatra: the position of the moon.
Karana: it represents half of Tithi.
Yoga: it is the specific direction of the Sun, Moon and Stars
Vara: it means a weekday.

Panchanga also provides information of Auspicious timings like Abhijit and Inauspicious timings such as Yama ghanta, Rahu kaal. Panchangas provide other cosmological information which is widely used by astrologers, as well as the times of all upcoming holi events. Most recent Panchangas, such as Vedic Hindu Calendar, also comprise Gregorian calendar information, which has gained acceptance all over the world.

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